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General Terms

Hajime - To Begin

Karate - Open hand

Karate-do - Way/Path of Karate

Dojo - Training Hall

Rei - Bow

Se Iza - Traditional sitting position for meditation

Mokuso - Intensive meditation

Sho-Men Ni Rei - A respectful bow to the dojo (school)

O Ta Gai Ni Rei - A respectful bow to another

Zanshin - State of Awareness

Ki-ai - A Shout / Spirit

Oss - Yes / Verbal Greeting

Hidari - Left

Migi - Right

Mae - Front

Ushiro - Back

Yoko - Side

Gyaku - Reverse / Opposite

Jodan - Upper Level (face area)

Chudan - Mid Section (stomach area)

Gedan - Lower Level

Kumite - Sparring

Taysubaki - Invasion

Mawate - Turn

Yame - Command to Stop


Dachi - Stance 

Shizentai - Ready Stance

Zen-ku-tsu Dachi - Front Stance 

Ko-ku-tsu Dachi - Back Stance 

Kiba Dachi - Horse Riding Stance

Shi-ko Dachi - Sumo Stance

Fudo Dachi - Rooted Stance

San-chin Dachi - Inward Tension Stance

Hangetsu Dachi - Half Moon Stance

Neko-Ashi Dachi - Cat Stance


Hip Positions

Hanmi - 45' degree hip position

Gyaku Hanmi - Reverse hip position



Jodan Tsuki - Punch to Upper Area

Chudan Tsuki - Punch to Middle Area

Gedan Tsuki - Punch to Lower Area

Choku Tsuki - Straight Punch

Mawashi Zuki - Round Punch

Oi Zuki - Stepping Punch

Gyaku Zuki - Reverse Punch

Kizama Tsuki - Jab Punch

Ura Zuki - Close Punch

Awase Zuki - U-Punch

Tate Zuki - Vertical Fist Punch

Yama Zuki - Wide U-Punch



Nukite - Spear Hand Strike

Ippon Ken - Knuckle Strike

Uraken - Back Fist

Teisho - Palm Heel Strike

Tettsui - Hammer Fist

Nihon Nukite - 2 Finger Spear Hand Strike

Shuto Uchi - Knife Hand Strike

Haito Uchi - Inside Edge of Hand Strike

Empi - Elbow Strike


Geri - Kick

Mae Geri - Front Kick

Mawashi Geri - Round Kick

Yoko Geri Kekomi - Side Thrust Kick

Yoko Geri Keage - Side Snap Kick

Fumikomi - Stamping Kick

Hiza Geri - Knee Strike

Tobi Geri - Jump Kick

Ushiro Geri - Back Kick

Ushiro Mawashi Geri - Back Round Kick

Uchi Mawashi Geri - Inside Round Kick

Ka-Gato Geri - Heel Kick

Kizami Geri - Front Leg Kick

Mikazuki Geri - Crescent Kick

Ashi Barai - Leg Sweep


Uke - Block

Gedan Barai - Lower Parry / Block

Shoto Uke - Outside Forearm Block

Uchi Uke - Inside Forearmm Block

Shuto Uke - Knife Hand Block

Age Uke - Upper Rising Block

Morote Uke - Augmented Block

Juji Uke - X-Block

Shuto Juji Uke - Knife Hand X-Block

Yama Uke - Wide U-Block

Manji Uke - High-Low Block

Haiwan Uke - Mid Back Arm Block

Osae Uke - Pressing Block

Sukui Uke - Scooping Block

Kakawaki Uke - Double Opening Block

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